Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Snow Days

Dear Readers:

Today should have been a snow day -- it didn't happen. Even though the weather was cold, crappy, and the driving hazardous, I had to go to work. I'm disappointed. In grade school, that kind of freebie offered welcome relief from winter doldrums and homework. How come, now that I'm a veteran in the work force, I'm not able to claim my rightful place in history and grab my snow day. Hey! It's cold outside, traffic's scary, and I'm too old to take the bus. (And running a marathon doesn't count against me because that was on MY time and wasn't work related.)

Things just aren't the same anymore. Look around. Do you think we get our due respect? Time was, you could count on someone else going to work for you, like my parents. When I was a kid, I could rely on them bringing home the bacon and braving the weather to leave for work. You'd had thought my kids would have picked up their very fine habits and carried on the family tradition, but they haven't. They still expect me to act like my parents. I have to help with the dishes, take out the garbage, fix broken things, spend money for fixing something I broke, and worst of all, go to work on a snow day.

It just isn't fair.

Until later.


Baba Doodlius said...

That's one of the perks of being a bird - humans give me free bird food forever! And I don't even have to go to school!

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