Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Angel, the Witch and the Clown

Dear Readers:

'Tis my dream to wake up some day and behold an angel. It's never happened, but I'm holding out for the right moment. Several decades ago I talked to a man who told me he saw the wing of an angel. Maybe I need to pray and work on my holiness, and then one will appear. Today I ordered a chocolate chip cookie that I really didn't need; I should have fasted and done without it -- shown some humility for Pete's sake. Well, I'll let you know when an angel appears. I figure it won't happen for some time, but my heart quickened recently after my daughter talked to my wife. She called my wife to tell her she bought Halloween outfits for our three dogs. One was slated to be the angel. Maybe that's as close as I'll ever get to seeing one.

I could go on. The dogs' costumes befit their personalities quite nicely. Allie is white, cute, and cuddly, so she gets to be the angel. Sandy is black and lurks in the shadows, so she gets to be the witch (Sandy's offended). Maggie is yellow and dumber than a door nail, so she's targeted to be the clown (She doesn't know enough to complain and will probably savor the moment). I don't get to dress up like anything, because I'm not costume-worthy. (I'm working on that.) Give it time, and before you know it, an angel in heaven will notice our devotion to otherworldly things and grant my request to see the real thing. Allie doesn't quite cut it for me. She licks everything she touches, and her wings don't move. Besides, angels don't have tails.

Until later.


Delirious said...

I always thought it would be neat to see an angel, but if it actually happened, I would probably be scared to death. :) I haven't seen an angel, but I have seen angelic people. Does that count?

Doctor Rick said...


Hey, I was only kidding. I don't really want to see an angel(though I'd be impressed if I did). You see, I have this abnormal sence of humor that thrives on embellishing the truth -- a lot. Yet,I really did know a guy who "saw" an angel's wing, and I'd be lying if I didn't acknowledge he was genuinely a spiritual person who was being sincere.