Saturday, October 20, 2007

Grandma's Sports Car

Dear Readers:

Grandma needed a new mode of transportation, so we bought her one of those four-wheeler jobs; not the kind with a motor, but the kind older folks push around in grocery stores and at church. She's not too excited about her new roadster, and if it were up to her, I think she'd throw it out with next week's garbage. I've tried to highlight its positive attributes: It's blue, her favorite color; it's economical (she pushes it, so there's no sticker shock at the gas pump); she can sit on it and pretend it's a rumble seat; it keeps her from falling on her proboscis. My efforts to convince her of its desirability haven't worked so far.

A week ago some two-year-old kid in a stroller whizzed by her on the bike trail, and I think Mom felt usurped. (That kid's father must have been using non-regulation tires.) I'm wondering if I should put some racing stripes on her four-wheeler to make it look more serious; an attached, collapsible beach umbrella for hot, sunny days might also be a nice addition. Anyhow, I'm still working different angles to see if I can get Grandma to smile and not sneer. I'm impressed with the speeds she can attain with her new vehicle -- especially downhill. Sometimes she charges down the hills so fast, I'm afraid she might become airborne.

Until later.

1 comment:

Baba Doodlius said...

Get her some bad shades to wear while she's tooling around - everybody look scool in bad shades.