Thursday, April 26, 2007

Juicy Lips

Dear Readers:

Another day, and what should come to mind but a man called Juicy Lips. No, this isn't X-rated stuff. More like greasy pimple-faced teenager stuff. Juicy Lips was a name the waitresses gave to a testy patron at a local restaurant. I worked one summer as a bus boy (I was the pimply teenager). This man showed up for coffee and donuts and always left a ten cent tip. He was demanding and often barked orders at the waitresses. I think what really ticked them off was the chump change he left on the table for their efforts to please him.

So the waitresses decided to organize one day. A plan to neutralize him galvanized out of thin air. Juicy Lips, a large, rotund man, so named because he had thick, round lips, shouted out his order one day for more coffee. A waitress promptly showed up and "accidentally" spilled coffee on his lap. She apologized profusely, but I could see her smiling as she headed back for more coffee. All the other waitresses hid behind a counter to watch the scene unfold. They couldn't stop laughing. I got to see it too -- that experience was worth more than ten cents.

Later gator.

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