Tuesday, April 24, 2007

My Brain Isn't Awake

Hello first-time readers:

This is my first entry and I have no idea what to write about. How about hippos? I know it's somewhat random, but it was the word that came to mind when I was searching for a blog address. Sadly, it's taken. My inspiration for hippo came from a nature documentary that showcased hippos having a veggie feast on the Nile River, while fishy friends ate the gross stuff between their toes. As for me, I'll take the hippo food over the fish food.

Anyhow, hippos are really cool. When they're happy, they look like giant bobbers floating on the water. All they do is eat all day, while fish-servants give them pedicures. When they're angry, it's time to clear out. They bare their teeth, their mouths gape open, and they turn into fast-moving snap dragons with poor dental hygiene. If I tried to open my mouth that wide, I'd probably end up with temporomandibular joint pain.

Well, it's time to go. We'll talk later.

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